CURRENT INDUSTRIAL REPORTS PAINT, VARNISH AND LACQUER - 1995 MA28F(95)-1 Issued July 1996 Contact: Kimberly Credito, 301-457-1606 Table 1. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED U.S. TOTAL QUANTITY AND VALUE OF SHIPMENTS OF PAINT AND ALLIED PRODUCTS: 1990 TO 1995 (Quantity in millions of gallons. Value in millions of dollars) Miscellaneous Architectural Product coatings Special purpose allied paint Year Total coatings OEM coatings products Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value 1995....... 1,407.2 15,923.7 622.5 6,057.1 385.3 5,279.9 196.0 3,076.7 203.4 1,510.0 1994....... 1,431.1 15,645.2 644.8 5,888.3 372.9 5,069.9 193.8 3,197.3 219.6 1,489.7 1993....... 1,336.5 14,630.1 608.1 5,615.3 356.6 4,788.3 179.0 2,937.7 192.8 1,288.8 1992....... 1,236.0 13,595.1 575.6 5,294.3 311.7 4,213.5 172.7 2,933.8 176.0 1,153.5 1991....... 1,226.8 13,009.4 537.9 4,900.7 320.4 4,005.4 179.5 2,910.8 189.0 1,192.5 1990....... 1,281.9 12,898.4 558.4 4,913.6 338.6 4,032.6 195.6 2,781.5 189.3 1,170.7 Note: Figures for 1990 through 1995 are estimates of the total U.S. value of shipments of paint, varnish, and lacquer. These estimates were developed by increasing the product class totals shown in Table 2 by adjustment factors. For 1995 through 1992, these factors are: 1.008 for architectural coatings, .989 for product coatings OEM, 1.011 for special purpose coatings and 1.026 for miscellaneous paint products. For 1989 through 1991, these factors are: 1.00 for architectural coatings, 1.04 for product coatings OEM, 1.06 for special purpose coatings, and 1.16 for miscellaneous paint products. For example: the quantity and value of OEM coatings for 1995 shown in Table 2 amounted to 389,636 and $5,338,607 respectively. Adjusting these figures by the factor of .989 (multiplying 389,636 and $5,338,607 by .989) equals the adjusted and rounded quantity and value of 385.3 and $5,279.9 shown above in Table 1. These factors are used because the annual survey panel was selected to measure approximately 95 percent of the total shipments in the paint industry (SIC 2851). The adjustment factors (based on the 1992 Census relationships) bring each product class value up to 100 percent. Quarterly figures for 1995 and 1994 reflect the adjusted totals in Table 1 and are shown in Table 3 along with the quarterly figures originally published in Current Industrial Reports quarterly series MQ28F, Paint, Varnish, and Lacquer. Table 2. QUANTITY AND VALUE OF SHIPMENTS OF PAINT AND ALLIED PRODUCTS: 1995 AND 1994 (Quantity in thousand of gallons. Value in thousand of dollars) Product 1995 1994 code Product description Quantity Value Quantity Value 2851 --- Paint and allied products..1.................................................................... 1,409,728 15,862,691 1,422,412 15,582,338 28511 Architectural coatings.............................................................................. 617,521 6,009,066 639,698 5,841,544 Exterior solvent type.............................................................................. 74,187 806,226 73,032 762,164 28511 12 Solvent thinned paints and tinting bases, including barn and roof paints.......................... 17,015 155,090 14,664 154,698 28511 15 Solvent thinned enamels and tinting bases, including exterior-interior floor enamels................................................................................... 15,367 246,719 15,144 195,031 28511 25 Solvent thinned undercoaters and primers.......................................................... 8,552 93,817 8,966 96,323 28511 35 Solvent thinned clear finishes and sealers........................................................ 9,044 85,626 9,578 r/77,879 28511 37 Solvent thinned stains, including shingle and shake............................................... 16,615 159,761 14,226 143,342 28511 39 Other exterior solvent thinned coatings, including bituminous paints.............................. 7,594 65,213 10,454 94,891 Exterior water-type................................................................................ 150,928 1,421,382 160,448 1,501,373 28511 41 Water thinned paints and tinting bases, including barn and roof paints............................ 104,777 995,028 111,770 1,071,354 28511 42 Water thinned exterior-interior deck and floor enamel............................................. 1,981 22,312 1,616 17,572 28511 44 Water thinned undercoaters and primers............................................................ 9,748 115,731 9,169 88,616 28511 49 Water thinned stains and sealers.................................................................. 10,348 95,206 9,771 85,990 28511 55 Other exterior water thinned coatings............................................................. 24,074 193,105 28,122 237,841 Interior solvent type.............................................................................. 59,078 751,279 58,537 676,546 28511 63 Flat solvent thinned wall paint and tinting bases, including mill white paints.......................................................................................... 6,054 71,127 6,174 72,680 28511 65 Gloss and quick drying enamels and other gloss solvent thinned paints and enamels..................................................................................... 3,977 52,144 5,257 72,557 28511 69 Semigloss, eggshell, satin solvent thinned paints and tinting bases............................... 14,958 207,536 12,933 139,002 28511 71 Solvent thinned undercoaters and primers.......................................................... 11,289 112,323 11,276 r/93,078 28511 75 Solvent thinned clear finishes and sealers........................................................ 9,144 134,283 9,260 131,576 28511 77 Solvent thinned stains............................................................................ 5,925 85,983 5,425 76,282 28511 79 Other interior solvent thinned coatings........................................................... 7,731 87,883 8,212 91,371 Interior water-type................................................................................ 310,794 2,788,502 323,854 2,654,383 28511 81 Flat water thinned paints and tinting bases....................................................... 144,808 1,303,316 148,116 1,107,678 28511 83 Semigloss, eggshell, satin, and other water thinned paints and tinting bases........................................................................................... 117,242 1,091,673 121,593 1,104,195 28511 86 Water thinned undercoaters and primers............................................................ 22,090 157,324 20,525 147,995 28511 88 Other interior water thinned coatings, stains, and sealers........................................ 26,654 236,189 33,620 294,515 28511 93 Architectural lacquers............................................................................. 6,789 69,083 7,169 67,986 28511 00 Architectural coatings n.s.k....................................................................... 15,745 172,594 16,658 r/179,092 28512 Product finishes for original equipment manufacturers (OEM), excluding marine coatings................................................................................... 389,636 5,338,607 377,010 5,126,279 * 28512 21 Automobile, light truck, van, and sport utility vehicle finishes................................... 45,528 1,125,596 44,709 1,092,265 * 28512 24 Automobile parts finishes.......................................................................... 2,096 67,303 2,330 68,881 * 28512 26 Heavy duty truck, bus, and recreational vehicle finishes........................................... 15,281 364,680 14,370 336,039 * 28512 28 Other transportation equipment finishes, including aircraft and railroad........................... 9,515 148,327 5,019 95,503 28512 35 Appliance, heating equipment, and air-conditioner finishes......................................... 6,370 93,395 6,610 106,515 28512 37 Wood furniture, cabinet, and fixture finishes...................................................... 37,468 354,727 36,034 344,947 28512 39 Wood and composition board flat stock finishes..................................................... 10,094 107,395 11,460 118,845 28512 41 Metal building product finishes ( including coatings for aluminum extrusions and siding)........................................................................... 28,872 476,991 29,142 514,464 28512 43 Container and closure finishes..................................................................... 55,125 487,886 51,208 487,488 28512 47 Machinery and equipment finishes, including road building equipment and farm implement............................................................................... 17,791 264,407 17,143 252,723 28512 49 Nonwood furniture and fixture finishes, including business equipment finishes......................................................................................... 20,232 309,244 18,331 276,362 28512 52 Paper, paper board, film, and foil finishes, excluding pigment binders............................. 16,346 128,004 r/16,084 r/129,452 28512 53 Electrical insulating coatings..................................................................... 5,167 125,915 5,013 103,096 * 28512 54 Appliance powder coatings..2....................................................................... 10,873 81,736 r/15,713 90,474 * 28512 56 Automotive powder coatings..2...................................................................... 12,232 108,777 r/13,287 r/97,972 * 28512 58 Architectural powder coatings (such as aluminum extrusions)..2..................................... 3,835 28,928 r/2,959 r/23,186 * 28512 60 Lawn and garden powder coatings..2................................................................. 3,126 27,475 r/4,284 32,895 * 28512 62 General metal finishing powder coatings..2......................................................... 31,031 245,603 r/25,996 204,016 28512 67 Other industrial product finishes.................................................................. 29,652 464,301 r/29,122 468,906 28512 00 Product finishes for original equipment manufacturers (OEM), excluding marine coatings n.s.k............................................................................ 29,002 327,917 r/28,196 r/282,250 28513 Special purpose coatings, including all marine coatings............................................. 193,888 3,043,265 191,709 3,162,544 Industrial new construction and maintenance paints (especially formulated coatings for special conditions of industrial plants and/or facilities requiring protection against extreme temperatures, fungi, chemicals, fumes, etc.): 28513 01 Interior........................................................................................ 20,179 213,179 18,237 221,612 28513 05 Exterior........................................................................................ 33,868 502,443 r/36,725 610,969 28513 11 Traffic marking paints ( all types, shelf goods and highway department )........................... 34,563 218,985 33,898 202,810 28513 13 Automotive, other transportation and machinery refinish paints and enamels, including primers....................................................................... 48,109 1,302,078 r/44,829 r/1,283,119 28513 15 Marine paints, ship and off-shore facilities and shelf goods for both new construction and marine refinish and maintenance. Excludes spar varnish.......................................................................................... 18,913 311,906 19,864 340,312 * 28513 19 Marine paints for yacht and pleasure craft, new construction, refinish, and maintenance.................................................................................. 108 2,389 (D) (D) 28513 31 Aerosol - Paint concentrates produced for packaging in aerosol containers....................................................................................... 26,311 271,480 25,838 277,347 28513 00 Special purpose coatings n.s.k..................................................................... 11,837 220,805 (D) (D) 28515 Miscellaneous allied paint products................................................................. 208,683 1,471,753 213,995 1,451,971 28515 23 Paint and varnish removers......................................................................... 6,948 62,160 7,374 66,625 28515 31 Thinners for lacquers and other solvent based paint products....................................... 50,671 208,976 r/50,257 r/193,377 28515 33 Pigment dispersions................................................................................ 36,216 431,853 r/35,032 r/409,014 28515 98 Other miscellaneous allied paint products, including brush cleaners, non-pressure wood preservatives, putty and glazing compounds, etc................................ 109,849 693,659 r/115,768 708,187 28515 00 Miscellaneous allied paint products n.s.k.......................................................... 4,999 75,105 r/5,564 r/74,768 1/Represents total shipments for those establishments producing paint and allied products that have 20 or more employees. These establishments represent approximately 95 percent of the total value of shipments for SIC industry 2851, paint, varnishes, lacquers, enamels, and allied products, based on relationships observed in the 1992 Census of Manufactures preliminary report. 2/Data for powder coatings are collected in pounds and converted to gallons by using a conversion factor of 3 (3 lbs. = 1 gallon). Data as collected in pounds amounted to 183,291 thousand pounds in 1995 and 186,717 thousand pounds in 1994. *New product code for 1994. D Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies; data are included in higher level totals. NA Not available. N.s.k. Not specified by kind. r/Revised by 5 percent or more from previously published figure. Table 3. QUANTITY AND VALUE OF SHIPMENTS OF PAINT, VARNISH, AND LACCQUER, BY QUARTER: 1995 AND 1994 (Quantity in thousands of gallons. Value in thousands of dollars) As published As revised Architectural Product coatings Special purpose Architectural Product coatings Special Purpose Quarter and Year Total coatings OEM coatings Total coatings OEM coatings Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value 1995 Total.......................... 1,246,252 14,506,497 677,836 6,125,687 382,112 5,482,748 186,304 2,898,062 1,208,426 14,412,010 627,172 6,056,532 385,273 5,279,353 195,981 3,076,125 Fourth quarter....................... 283,694 3,444,640 146,648 1,374,638 92,337 1,340,051 44,709 729,951 279,599 3,424,348 139,473 1,359,2222 93,101 1,290,403 47,025 774,723 Third quarter........................ 331,885 3,839,963 185,630 1,701,285 96,688 1,382,252 49,567 756,426 320,065 3,816,154 170,430 1,682,067 97,493 1,331,058 52,142 803,029 Second quarter....................... 340,661 3,863,658 192,724 1,728,948 96,495 1,375,375 51,442 759,335 328,388 3,839,624 176,966 1,709,324 97,301 1,324,194 54,121 806,106 First quarter ....................... 290,012 3,358,236 152,834 1,320,816 96,592 1,385,070 40,586 652,350 280,374 3,331,884 140,303 1,305,919 97,378 1,333,698 42,693 692,267 1994 Total.......................... 1,220,835 14,070,075 645,174 5,912,740 382,065 5,082,635 193,596 3,074,700 1,211,133 13,799,726 644,623 5,887,098 372,751 5,068,368 193,759 2,844,260 Fourth quarter....................... 274,073 3,281,989 137,205 1,262,624 95,736 1,283,750 41,132 735,615 271,657 3,240,752 137,088 1,257,147 93,402 1,280,147 41,167 703,458 Third quarter........................ 332,560 3,781,599 185,156 1,697,295 97,112 1,277,649 50,292 806,655 330,076 3,736,180 184,998 1,689,935 94,744 1,274,063 50,334 772,182 Second quarter....................... 341,485 3,862,760 186,382 1,721,543 97,685 1,287,817 57,418 853,400 338,994 3,783,018 186,223 1,714,077 95,304 1,284,203 57,467 784,738 First quarter........................ 272,717 3,143,727 136,431 1,231,278 91,532 1,233,419 44,754 679,030 270,406 3,039,776 136,314 1,225,939 89,301 1,229,955 44,791 583,882 See note at end of Table 1. Table 4. SHIPMENTS, EXPORTS, IMPORTS, AND APPARENT CONSUMPTION OF SELECTED PAINTS: 1995 AND 1994 (Quantity in millions of gallons. Value in millions of dollars) Exports of Percent exports Manufacturers' domestic to manufactur- Imports for Apparent shipments merchandise/1 ers' production consumption/2 consumption/4 Product code Product description Year Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value/3 Quantity Value 28511 00 28512 00 Paint, varnish, and lacquer........ 1995 1,208.4 14,412.0 (NA) 673.7 (NA) 4.6 (NA) 228.4 (NA) 13,966.7 28513 00 1994 1,211.1 13,799.7 (NA) 624.4 (NA) 4.4 (NA) 183.5 (NA) 13,358.8 28515 23 Paint and varnish remover including 28515 31 thinners.......................... 1995 57.6 271.1 (NA) 52.3 (NA) 19.3 (NA) 35.7 (NA) 254.5 1994 65.0 260.0 (NA) 46.9 (NA) 19.1 (NA) 14.0 (NA) 212.7 28515 98 Other miscellaneous allied paint products.......................... 1995 109.8 693.7 (NA) 102.3 (NA) 14.7 (NA) 33.3 (NA) 624.7 1994 115.8 708.2 (NA) 98.2 (NA) 14.0 (NA) 24.5 (NA) 628.4 1/Source: Bureau of the Census report EM 545, U. S. Exports. 2/Source: Bureau of the Census report IM 145, U. S. Imports for Consumption. 3/This dollar value represents the c.i.f. (cost, insurance, and freight) value at first port of entry in the United States plus U.S. import duties. 4/Apparent consumption is equal to domestic shipments, plus imports, minus exports. (NA) Not available. Table 5. COMPARISONS OF STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION-BASED PRODUCT CODES WITH SCHEDULE B EXPORT NUMBERS, AND HTSUSA IMPORT NUMBERS: 1995 Product Export Import code Product description number/1 number/2 3208.10.0000 3208.10.0000 28511 00 3208.20.0000 3208.20.0000 28512 00 Paint, varnish, and lacquer....................3208.90.0000 3208.90.0000 28513 00 3209.10.0000 3209.10.0000 3209.90.0000 3209.90.0000 3814.00.1000 28515 23 Paint and varnish remover including thinners...3814.00.0000 3814.00.2000 28515 31 3814.00.5010 3814.00.5090 3210.00.0000 3210.00.0000 28515 98 Other miscellaneous allied paint products......3211.00.0000 3211.00.0000 3214.10.0020 3214.10.0020 3214.10.0090 3214.10.0090 1/Source: 1995 edition, Harmonized System-Based Schedule B, Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported from the United States 2/Source: Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, Annotated (1995). Note: Product codes 3211.00.0000, 3214.10.0020, 3214.10.0090, 3814.00.5010, and 3814.00.5090 were added for 1994.05,919