Current Industrial Reports U. S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration Bureau of the Census Consumer, Scientific, Technical and Industrial Glassware - 1997 MA32E(97) Issued August 24, 1998 Information about the scope of the survey, methodology, explanation of terms and historical notes for this survey may be found in the introduction of the 1996 Manufacturing Profiles, issued July 1998. These data are also available through the U. S. Department of Commerce and STAT-USA Electronic Bulletin Board by subscription. To access, dial 202-482-3870 and follow the prompts to register. Also, you may call 202-482-1986 or 1-800-STAT-USA, for further information. The internet address is: stat-usa/. For mail or fax copies of the publication, contact the Manufacturing and Construction Division Information Center, 301-457-4673. Address inquiries concerning these data to U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Manufacturing and Construction Division, Washington, DC 20233, or call Joyce Pomeroy, 301-457-4840. Table 1. Value of Shipments of Consumer, Scientific, Technical and Industrial Glassware: 1993 to 1997 [Millions of dollars] Product code Product description 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 32295 Table, kitchen, art, and 32298 novelty glassware 1/......... 1,766.7 1,805.4 1,837.8 1,747.0 1,633.9 32311 32312 32296 Lighting and electronic 32298 glassware 1/................. 1,664.4 1,620.3 1,589.1 1,523.2 1,370.6 32311 32312 32297 All other glassware 1/........ 1,881.7 1,743.5 1,589.7 1,410.7 1,273.1 32298 32311 32312 1/The difference between industry 3229 and 3231 is as follows: industry 3229 represents glassware produced from glass made in the same establishment; whereas, industry 3231 represents glassware produced or fabricated from glass purchased or transferred from other establishments. Table 2. Value of Shipments of Consumer, Scientific, Technical and Industrial Glassware by Industry: 1997 and 1996 [Millions of dollars] Shipments 1997 1996 Product description Total Total Product (all in- SIC All other (all in- SIC All other code dustries) 3229 industries dustries) 3229 industries 3229- - Consumer, scientific, 32311 - technical, and 32312 - industrial glassware...... 5,323.7 3,851.1 1,472.6 5,179.7 3,721.0 1,458.7 32295 -- Table, kitchen, art, 32298 - and novelty glassware.... 1,766.7 1,179.5 587.2 1,805.4 1,162.5 642.9 32311 - 32312 -- 32296 -- Lighting and electronic 32298 -- glassware................ 1,664.4 1,603.2 61.2 1,620.3 1,566.9 53.4 32311 - 32312 - 32297 -- All other glassware....... 1,881.7 1,060.3 821.4 1,743.5 983.7 759.8 32298 -- 32311 - 32312 -- 32295 00 Consumer, scientific, 32296 00 technical, and industrial 32297 00 glassware n.s.k. ......... 10.9 8.1 2.8 10.5 7.9 2.6 32298 00 32311 00 32312 00 N.s.k. Not specified by kind. Note: Detail may not add to the total due to independent rounding. Table 3a. Shipments of Consumer Glassware: 1997 and 1996 [Value in thousands of dollars] Total (all Machine-made 2/ Hand-made 2/ Product description 1/ No. industries) (SIC 3229) (SIC 3229) Product Unit of of Quan- Quan- Quan- code measure cos. tity Value tity Value tity Value 1997 32295 -- Table, kitchen, 32298 - art, and novelty 32311 - glassware................ ...(X)... (X) (X) 1,766,710 (X) 1,078,137 (X) 101,314 32312 -- 3229X 21 Tumblers (one piece, 3229X 21 excluding packers' tumblers).............. M dozen 20 41,44 285,662 (D) (D) (D) (D) 3229X 22 Stemware................ 24 14,911 183,369 (D) (D) (D) (D) 3231X 22 3229X 23 Tableware............... M pieces 26 186,575 235,562 116,453 102,274 (D) (D) 3231X 23 3229X 25 Cookware, ovenware, 3231X 25 and kitchenware, 3229X 27 including microwave 3231X 27 specialty pieces....... (NA) 93,007 228,628 (D) (D) - - 3229X 28 Ornamental, decorative, 3231X 28 novelty glassware, and smokers accessories 3/. 60 (X) (D) (X) (D) (X) (D) 3229X 38 Other table, kitchen, 3231X 38 art, novelty glassware 3/........... ...(X).. 25 (X) (D) (X) (D) (X) (D) 3229X 39 Interplant transfers of 3231X 39 shipments of partially made glassware to other glassware establish- ments 3/4/............. ...(X).. (X) (X) 815,489 (X) 483,166 (X) 64,528 1996 32295 -- Table, kitchen, art, 32298 -- and novelty glassware.... ...(X).. (X) (X) 1,805,387 (X) 1,061,773 (X) 100,691 32311 -- 32312 -- 3229X 21 Tumblers (one piece, 3231X 21 excluding packers' tumblers).............. M dozen 21 46,352 294,095 (D) (D) (D) (D) 3229X 22 Stemware................ 25 14,122 172,589 (D) (D) (D) (D) 3231X 22 3229X 23 Tableware............... M pieces 27 117,076 266,421 95,647 99,346 (D) (D) 3231X 23 3229X 25 3231X 25 Cookware, ovenware, 3229X 27 and kitchenware, 3231X 27 including microwave speciality pieces...... (NA) 80,989 273,141 (D) (D) - - 3229X 28 Ornamental, decorative, 3231X 28 novelty glassware, and smokers accessories 3/. 58 (X) (D) (X) (D) (X) (D) 3229X 38 Other table, kitchen, 3231X 38 art, novelty glass- ware 3/................ ...(X).. 26 (X) (D) (X) (D) (X) (D) 3229X 39 Interplant transfers of 3231X 39 shipments of partially made glassware to other glassware establish- ments 3/4/............. ...(X).. (X) (X) r/799,141 (X) 471,989 (X) 65,747 - Represents zero. D Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies. NA Not available. r/Revised by 5 percent or more from previously published data. X Not applicable. 1/ See text found in MA32E(91)-1, issued November 1992, for specific definitions of individual products. 2/ Shipments by establishments manufacturing glassware primarily from glass produced in the same establishment. 3/ Data for product codes 3229X 28, 3231X28, 3229X 38, and 3231X 38 are included with product codes 3229X 39 and 3231X 39 to avoid disclosing data for individual companies. 4/ The processing establishments report the finished product on the appropriate lines, in order to avoid duplicate reporting of the same product by separate establishments. Table 3b. Value of Shipments of Scientific, Technical, and Industrial Glassware: 1997 and 1996 [Thousands of dollars] 1997 1996 No. Machine- Machine- Product Product description 1/ of Total (all made 2/ Total (all made 2/ code cos. industries) (SIC 3229) industries) (SIC) 3229) 32296 -- Lighting and electronic 32298 -- glassware......................... (X) 1,664,443 1,603,190 1,620,285 1,566,877 32311 -- 32312 -- 3229Y 41 Automotive lighting 3231Y 41 glassware....................... 5 (D) (D) (D) (D) 3229Y 43 Searchlight and other 3231Y 43 lenses.......................... 5 (D) (D) (D) (D) 3229Y 45 Electric light bulb blanks....... 5 166,045 166,045 161,694 161,694 3231Y 45 3229Y 47 Tubing and cane for 3231Y 47 electric light bulbs and fluorescent and neon lighting................... 5 (D) (D) (D) (D) 3229Y 51 Electric tube blanks 3231Y 51 (except television)............. 7 14,405 (D) 12,979 (D) 3229Y 55 Television tube blanks and 3231Y 55 parts; tubing, cane, and glass parts for electronic tubes and devices............... 18 1,013,800 1,006,574 1,017,368 1,009,737 Bowls and enclosing globes, lamp chimneys, lamp parts, shades reflectors, and torchiers: 3229Y 57 Interior....................... 24 51,095 48,920 r/ 53,278 50,792 3231Y 57 3229Y 59 Exterior....................... 8 16,421 14,150 14,570 (D) 3231Y 59 3299Y 65 Other lighting and electronic 3231Y 65 glassware....................... 12 (D) 9,085 (D) 7,919 3229Y 69 Interplant transfers and 3231Y 69 shipments of partially made glassware to other glassware establishments 3/............... (X) 113,180 107,922 108,897 (D) 32297 -- All other glassware................ (X) 1,881,673 1,060,336 1,743,505 982,954 32298 -- 32311 -- 32312 -- 3229Z 71 Tubing, rods, canes, all 3231Z 71 types (except electrical and electronic)................. 19 66,772 (D) 62,640 (D) Scientific and laboratory glassware....................... (X) 621,498 354,198 621,184 372,314 3229Z 72 Reusable......................... 55 322,411 175,693 309,424 176,722 3231Z 72 3229Z 74 Disposable....................... 23 299,087 175,693 311,760 195,592 3231Z 74 3229Z 75 Technical and industrial 3231Z 75 glassware....................... 51 628,083 208,191 563,815 162,854 3229Z 77 Opthalmic lens blanks 3231Z 77 and optical instruments lens blanks..................... 17 146,836 110,675 132,664 110,543 3229Z 79 Other glassware (e.g., 3231Z 79 radomes, nose cones, nusery bottles, vials, etc.)........... 27 295,320 226,519 267,055 199,181 3229Z 89 Interplant transfers and 3231Z 89 shipments of partially made glassware to other glassware establishments 3/............... (X) 112,310 (D) 96,147 (D) 32295 00 Consumer, scientific, technical, 32296 00 and industrial glassware 32297 00 n.s.k. 4/......................... (X) 10,854 8,053 10,538 7,895 32298 00 32311 00 32312 00 D Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies. N.s.k. Not specified by kind. X Not applicable. r/Revised by 5 percent or more over previously published data. 1/ See text found in MA32E(91)-1, issued November 1992, for specific definitions of individual products. 2/ Shipments by establishments manufacturing glassware primarily from glass produced in the same establishment. 3/ The processing establishments report the finished product on the appropriate lines, in order to avoid duplicate reporting of the same product by separate establishments. 4/ Not specified by kind (n.s.k.) represents the value of shipments for establishments that did not provide detailed information by type of product. These establishments, typically with less than 5 employees, are not included in the MA32E mailing panel. The value of shipments has been estimated for series MA32E based on the year-to-year rate of change for reporting establishments applied to the previous year's n.s.k. value. Table 4. Value of Shipments, Exports, Imports and Apparent Consumption of Consumer, Scientific, Technical and Industrial Glassware: 1997 and 1996 [Thousands of dollars] Percent Exports of exports to Imports Percent Product description Manu- domestic manufac- for Apparent imports to facturers' merchan- turers' consump- consump- apparent shipments dise 1/ 2/ shipment tion 1/ 3/ tion 4/ consumption 1997 Table, kitchen, art, and novelty glassware........... 1,766,710 251,715 14.2 979,075 2,494,070 39.3 Searchlight and other lenses.......................... (D) 18,417 (D) 3,365 (D) (D) Lighting glassware............... 166,045 49,063 29.5 19,334 136,316 14.2 Electronic tube blanks including TV tube blanks and parts....................... 1,013,800 56,015 5.5 280,046 1,237,831 22.6 Lamp chimneys, bowls, shades, globes, parts and other glassware, interior and exterior........... 67,516 14,447 21.4 91,077 144,146 63.2 Glass tubing, rods, and canes, all types (except electrical and electronic)...... 66,772 186,984 280.0 132,191 11,979 11.04 Scientific and laboratory glassware, reusable and disposable...................... 621,498 155,321 25.0 31,529 497,706 6.3 Opthalmic lens blanks and optical lens blanks............. 146,836 70,758 48.2 32,624 108,702 30.0 1996 Table, kitchen, art, and novelty glasware............ 1,805,387 206,670 11.4 874,287 2,473,004 35.4 Searchlight and other lenses.......................... (D) 10,874 (D) 2,713 (D) (D) Lighting glassware............... 161,694 35,818 22.2 15,081 140,957 10.7 Electronic tube blanks including TV blanks and parts........................... 1,017,368 39,938 3.9 270,907 1,248,337 21.7 Lamp chimneys, bowls, shades, globes. parts and other glassware, interior and exterior........... r/ 67,848 14,122 12.6 83,381 162,948 51.2 Glass tubing, rods, and canes, all types (except electrical and electronic)...... 62,640 139,387 208.8 112,198 35,451 316.5 Scientific and laboratory glassware, reusable and disposable...................... 621,184 139,681 22.5 28,976 510,479 5.7 Opthalmic lens blanks and optical lens blanks......... 132,664 68,088 51.3 28,604 93,180 30.7 D Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies. r/Revised by 5 percent or more from previously published data. 1/ For comparison of domestic manufacurers' shipments, import numbers, and export numbers, see Table 5. 2/ Source: Bureau of the Census data relating to EM 545, U.S. Exports. 3/ Source: Bureau of the Census data relating to IM 146, U.S. Imports for Consumption and General Imports. 4/ Apparent consumption is derived by subtracting exports from the total of shipments plus imports, including duty. Table 5. Comparison of Standard Industrial Classification-Based Product Codes with Schedule B Export Numbers and HTSUSA Import Numbers: 1997 Product Product descripton Export Import code number 1/ number 2/ 32295 Table, kitchen, art and 7013.21.0000 7013.10.1000 32298 novelty glassware................ 7013.29.0000 7013.10.5000 32311 7013.10.0000 7013.21.1000 32312 7013.31.0000 7013.21.2000 7013.32.0000 7013.21.3000 7013.39.0000 7013.29.5000 7013.91.0000 7013.21.0500 7013.99.0000 7013.29.1000 9505.10.1000 7013.29.2000 7013.29.3000 7013.29.4000 7013.29.5000 7013.29.6000 7013.31.1000 7013.31.2000 7013.31.3000 7013.31.5000 7013.32.1000 7013.32.2000 7013.32.3000 7013.32.4000 7013.39.1000 7013.39.2000 7013.39.3000 7013.39.4000 7013.39.5000 7013.39.6000 7013.91.1000 7013.91.2000 7013.91.3000 7013.91.5000 7013.99.1000 7013.99.2000 7013.99.3000 7013.99.3500 7013.99.4000 7013.99.5000 7013.99.6000 7013.99.7000 7013.99.8000 7013.99.9000 9505.10.1000 3229Y 43 Searchlight and other lenses....... 7014.00.3000 7014.00.3000 3231Y 43 7014.00.5000 7014.00.5000 3229Y 45 Lighting glassware................ 7011.10.0000 7011.10.1000 3231Y 45 7011.10.5000 3229Y 51 Electronic tube blanks including 7011.20.1000 3231Y 51 TV tube blanks and parts......... 7011.20.0000 7011.20.4000 3229Y 55 7011.90.0000 7011.20.8000 3231Y 55 7011.90.0000 3229Y 57 Lamp chimneys, bowls, shades, 9405.91.1000 3231Y 57 globes, parts and other 9405.91.3000 3229Y 59 glassware, interior, and 9405.91.4000 3231Y 59 exterior.......................... 9405.91.0000 9405.91.6040 9405.91.6080 3229Z 71 Glass tubing, rods, and canes, 7002.20.0000 7002.20.1000 3231Z 71 all types (except electrical 7002.31.0000 7002.20.5000 and electronic)................... 7002.32.0000 7002.31.0000 7002.39.0010 7002.32.0000 7002.39.0090 7002.39.0010 7002.39.0090 3229Z 72 Scientific and laboratory 7017.10.3000 7017.10.3000 3231Z 72 glassware, reusable and 7017.10.6000 7017.10.6000 3229Z 74 disposable........................ 7017.20.0000 7017.20.0000 3231Z 74 7017.90.0010 7017.90.1000 7017.90.0050 7017.90.5000 3229Z 77 Opthalmic lens blanks and optical 7014.00.2000 7014.00.2000 3231Z 77 instrument lens blanks............ 7014.00.1000 7014.00.1000 7015.10.0000 7015.10.0000 1/Source: 1997 edition, Harmonized System-Based Schedule B, Statistical Classification of Domestic and Exported from the United States. 2/Source: Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, Annotated (1997).