Capacity building for increased income at the house hold level through Income Generating Activity (IGA) at Kamamma Integrated Development Trust Fund (KIDTF), case study at Karangai Village in Arumeru District -Arusha Region



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Southern New Hampshire University


KAMAMMA Integrated Development Trust Fund (KIDTF) is a local Community Based Organization (CBO) based in Arumeru district in Arusha Region. KIDTF was established in 1996 and registered in 1997. KIDTF interventions include education, water supplies and sanitation, food security, environmental conservation and capacity building.

Through different research methods such as survey, focus group discussion, records review and observation it was found that the economic status of KAMAMMA community members is very low. As per community need assessment, the findings indicated that 80% of surveyed group members have average income of one thousands Tanzania shillings per day which is less than a dollar. Some of the causes of the situation include prolonged drought seasons and lack of enough motivation for KAMAMMA community on the importance of uniting their effort to form and run income generating activities.As the result of the capacity building, IGA project were strengthened and enabled Pendaneni group members at Karangai village to acquire leadership and planning skills, to develop a five year strategic plan and annual operation plan for 2007. Among of the plan includes the initiate of a group shop for income generating activities.

The project implementation has employed Community Economic Development (CED) approach whereby communities join together for development initiatives within their own communities. (Author abstract)


