Project proposal for Ludali Farmers Association (LUFAA)
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The title of this project is "A Project Proposal "for the Ludali Farmers Association (LUFAA) in Njombe. The organization has been registered as a NGO in 2003. In the context of this project, the organization requested the author of this project report to write a project proposal. As the organization had very few activities and not any programme, it was agreed to develop a Strategic Plan for the organization, followed by the preparation of a Logical Framework that will be used in the writing of a project proposal, for a project or programme prioritized by the organization in the process.
The literature review presents the developments in Community Development in Tanzania from independence (1967) until recently, followed by an empirical review and policy review. The Tanzanian rural economy is a non diversified economy dominated by agriculture. Poor support for the transformation has limited progress in agricultural intensification and commercialization. The main constraints are constrained excess to inputs and credit, transport and marketing constraints, lack of education, poor governance and leadership.
The results of the need assessment with the members of LUFAA show a similar situation. The relevance of the research with LUFAA is that the collected data during the assessment do apply to the particular area LUFAA operates in and to LUFAA as an organization, which has led to a Strategic Plan for the organization.
Primary and Secondary data were collected during the assessment through questionnaires and focus group discussions with members, other farmers, district authorities and other stakeholders. Activities facilitated by the author were the development of a vision and mission statement, the conduction of a SWOT analysis, need assessment with farmers, a financial, administrative and governance assessment, a Strategic Planning and Logical Framework analysis. It was agreed that a Strategic Plan is needed before the organization can embark on the writing of a project proposal.
The programmes that have been prioritized by the members are to start a SACCOS and secondly a "Community Capacity Building Programme" that will involve the facilitation of a Community Development Volunteer in 13 villages and to start a Resource Centre with Internet and Library facilities in Njombe. The programme will also provide seeds materials for income generating purposes. The Community Capacity Building programme is the programme that was selected to write a project proposal for. As soon as the organization has shown a clear direction, whether or not it is going to implement some structural changes, a proposal will be written and presented to potential donors for support. Depending on the direction the organization will choose, two scenarios for a plan of action have been developed. (Author abstract)