Evaluation of farmer knowledge on Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) in the Roman Catholic Church Diocese of Tunduru-Masasi in south eastern Tanzania



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Southern New Hampshire University


Based on needs assessment, education was chosen as the most important farmer's need in this project (OFM) because farmers were lacking new or improved agricultural technologies in cassava production. Improved cassava production techniques, it may help farmers in OFM areas and the whole community in the Zone lead to food security, poverty reduction and improved livelihood in general because cassava is the main food and cash crop. The evaluation of farmer's knowledge on cassava brown streak disease in OFM was conducted in July 2004 in cassava producing areas of Lindi and Mtwara regions in the southern zone. This study was intended to establish the current farmer's knowledge concerning Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) and its control strategies so that the author will be able to identify the gaps and how can they be covered. It was found that, the majority (98%) of respondents was aware of CBSD and was able to recognize the disease's symptoms. In general about 80% of respondents reported to use some control strategies i.e. about 90% of respondents in project areas and 68% in non project areas whereas in Namikunda and Maugura (OFM) villages was 47%. This shows that, much effort is needed for more dissemination of technologies in the OFM and the southern zone as a whole. Therefore, this report will become helpful in measuring the benefits of the training intervention later on. (Author abstract)


