Umen, HarryWillingham, Jeffrey2023-04-062023-04-062023-04-05 presentation details that Artifical Intellegence recently has been used to create images, videos, and various other artiffacts. The presentation shows emaples of various works (images and videos) made using these programs and how the final product differs between them. The ethical issues are discussed, such as the difficulty of gaining copyright for AI works, the potential of removing the need for artists, the use of artists work without consent, and the lack of understanding these AI programs have. The future of these programs and artist are dependent on the legislature that is soon to come.en-USAuthor retains all ownership rights. Further reproduction in violation of copyright is prohibited.Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence--Law and LegislationEthicsAdvances in Machine LearningAI ProgramsRegulation of Artificial IntelligenceAI in Visual Art and MediaPresentation