Marcille, SelinaChloros, Vinny2023-04-182023-04-182023-04-11 megalodon was the largest shark that ever lived with the oldest fossil specimens being around 20 million years old. The creature is estimated to have gone extinct around 3.6 million years ago, but some skeptics maintain that the creature still exists deep in modern oceans. By examining false information surrounding the megalodon and developing an understanding of the paleontological and ecological mechanisms that scientists use to study it, we can paint a picture of the megalodon and determine how it survived in its ancient habitat and if it could thrive in oceans as we know them today.en-USAuthor retains all ownership rights. Further reproduction in violation of copyright is prohibited.Carcharocles MegalodonFossilsPaleontological SitesSharkPrehistoric Super PredatorAncient HabitatCryptozoology Meets Ecology: A Look into the MegalodonPresentation