Support in development and facilitation of training programme to Tazara Mbeya Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited



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Southern New Hampshire University


This report is an outcome of the work done by the author after working with TAZARA Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Ltd, based in Mbeya Municipality for the period of 18 months while pursuing Master Degree Programme. This project report is submitted as a partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Master in Science in Community Economic Development in Southern New Hampshire University at the Open University of Tanzania. The overall objective of the project was to support in the development and facilitation of training programme to members, committee members and staff of the organization. The underlying specific objectives of the assignment are:

a) To support the organization establish baseline data b) Jointly with organization to conduct training needs assessment c) Development and facilitation of tailor made training programme to members, committee members and staff

The situational analysis established "Weak members empowerment" as a core problem, which culminated to poor participation, low savings, and low credit management. It was further hypothesized that the best solution to the problem is to design and implement tailor made training programme to members, committee members and staff of the organization. The survey was designed and conducted to enhance collection of both quantitative and qualitative data that enabled assessment of training needs and establishment of baseline data for the organization. The output of training needs assessment was the major inputs in the development of tailor made training programmeto members, committee members and staff of the organization. The training modules designed for members were business management skills and leadership, while that for board members were leadership skills and interpretation of financial statements and that of staff were accounting for micro finance and financial management.

During the period of this project two training sessions in business management skills and entrepreneurship were organized and facilitated and a total of 66 members and 4 leaders participated. The training was evaluated by the participants as very successfully and relevant to them. The cooperation from the host organization enhanced the success of this assignment, indeed the work was very challenging and interesting and we both learnt a lot from the intervention. However in order to sustain this process I would like to make the following recommendations:

a) The organization should carry out the impact of the training after the accomplishment of the training in order to establish the impact of the training and analyze the new training needs and develop a training programme. b) Training programme should move beyond one time workshops to a combination of training and sustained technical support. Successful training must include the active participation of participants through experiential learning and the long term support of the participants as they work to implement business activities. c) The student who will be attached to work with CBO in future to undertake monitoring and provide backstopping to ensure proper management of business activities established by those trained. d) The organization should explore on the strategies of establishing effective linkages with the financial institutions in order to access to funds in order to enhance its capacity to provide credits to its members especially who undergone training in business management skills. The organization should also work out strategies of linking their members who develop viable projects to the financial institutions for borrowing. (Author abstract)


