Indigenous chicken micro-enterprise for Umoja Wa Akinamama Mkombozi Mlimani Old Shinyanga, (Ukimmos)



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Southern New Hampshire University


This report describes a participatory process for establishing local chicken enterprise aimed at improving the productivity of indigenous chickens. Keeping indigenous chickens is a low cost investment with potentials for contributing substantially to food security and income generation especially to the poor rural women. However, New castle (NCD), poor feeding, low genetic potential, management skills, limited access to credit and appropriate marketing strategies limit the productivity of this sector. The project is being implemented by a group of 52 women members in which capacity building support will come from Agricultural Programme of the Catholic Diocese of Shinyanga.

The group will receive training focused on addressing the limiting factors named above and will use the locally available resources to achieve the set objectives. External funding will be limited. The overall objective of the project is to contribute towards poverty alleviation and hunger fighting thus improving the community livelihood. Direct beneficiaries of the project are the members of Umoja Wa Akinamama Mkombozi Mlimani Old- Shinyanga (UKIMMOS). They will receive training in local chicken management ranging from disease control, feeding, housing, breeding and marketing. The group as well as for every participating household will construct chickens shed. Twenty local chicken pullets and five Rhode Island Red cockerels will be purchased for cross- breeding. The project also will contribute towards reduction of local chicken mortality by 70% through vaccination by the new castle disease vaccine. (Author abstract)


