Sports Blogging: Bridging the Gap Between Journalism and Academics



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Southern New Hampshire University


Blogging has been an online activity for more than two decades, and its impact has been felt in the journalism and academic communities. In its infancy, the sports blog consisted of an author posting links to other sources. Since then, sports blogs have been used as a journalistic tool by industry professionals and amateurs to break news, provide analysis and context to issues of the day. Likewise, scholars have begun to realize the potential for blogs to reach out to a larger and more diverse audience, using its sense of immediacy to keep up with changing trends in academic sports history. This thesis will show that a bridge has been formed that connects sports journalism with scholarly research. Bridging the gap between sports journalism and digital history has the potential of opening new areas of legitimacy while bringing more credibility to online work. Twenty years after its inception, blogging about sports has positioned itself to connect the immediacy of sports journalism and the long-lasting effects of scholarly journals.


