Organizational capacity building of Community Initiative Support Organization (CISO) in Tandale Ward, Dar es Salaam city
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This paper assesses the organizational capacity building gaps of the Local NGO (CISO) for the purpose of identifying the organizational strengths and limitations so as to find possible ways o f improving their performance. This in turn would lead to the improvement and strengthening the capacity o f local NGO members to effectively deliver services and bring about social change to the community. The study and the findings were used to provide recommendations on organizational capacity building for sustainable organizational growth and development of the organization based in Tandale Wardin Dar es Salaam city.
In the assessment process, the following tools were used together necessarily information for strategic planning; questionnaires, informal interview, focus groups' discussions and direct observation. Relevant literature and theories such as NGOs sector in community development, organizational capacity building, capacity building cycle and the Tanzania Community Development Policy were reviewed.
The study findings revealed that the implemented organizational capacity building project was ideal and was considered helpful by the organizational members. It also showed that inadequate organizational capacity skills of the organizational members hinder the organizational growth and development in most of the Local NGOs in Tanzania. The inadequate organizational skills including strategic visioning skills, project design and management skills; management practices skills, human resources management skills, administrative management skills, financial management skills and external relations and networking skills.
For organizational development and sustainability of the Local NGOs, the respondents and the research findings recommended improvements in the following key areas: Periodically review and strengthening vision, mission, goal and organizational values, enhance organizational capacity in participatory project design and management, improvement in recruitment procedures and develop the existing staff to cope with the changing world and enhancement of fund raising procedures.
Generally, the study findings recommended the following:
The organization should have clear, focused, realistic and time-bound written long-range goals, which are consistent with the vision, values and mission of the organization. All staff should be involved in formulating these goals New projects should generally be consistent with long-range goals and overall program design, and make some attempt to respond to the problems and needs identified by the defined target group. Leaders should demonstrate value of people and staff by listening and being open to ideas and information that is shared with staff in the belief that can assist in making good decisions. The organization should develop written personnel policies, which reflect the organization's values and support the organization's purposes. Organization should have clear procedures for authorizing procurement of goods and services where by quotations is required from more than one source for purchases over a specified amount and these procedures should be consistently followed. Written financial policies and procedures should be developed and are consistently used to ensure the security and proper use o f funds, and accurate and timely reporting to donors and other relevant entities. Organization should develop strategy to initiate contacts and meet with potential donors on a regular basis and demonstrates knowledge o f donors and trends in funding as well as maintain up to date information base on potential donors
In trying to address some of these recommendations, facilitator used different approaches including offering advice, facilitate training workshops, providing on-the job training and mentoring; and facilitating linkages with other organizations. The outcome realized during capacity building support including reviewing of organizational vision, mission, values and goal following training workshop organized for them. CISO was also supported in the formulation of monitoring and evaluation tool; organizational by-laws were also formulated during this reporting period.
It is hoped that part of recommendations which were implemented and the outstanding ones in this study and during the whole process of organizational capacity building will improve the capacity of the organizational members and eventually serve the target community to improve their living standard. (Author abstract)