Promoting community based initiatives for vulnerable and disadvantaged children Mererani Ward, Simanjiro-Manyara
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Child labor is one of the main problems in small-scale Tanzanite mining in Mererani, Simanjiro district Manyara region. Mererani is one of the fast growing areas in this industry. Mirerani Good Hope Programme for children and young people (MGHP) is a local and community based organization established as a community response to the problem.
This project "promoting community based initiatives for vulnerable and disadvantaged children" was a project under M.G.H.P. Its main objective was to contribute towards MGHP's mission of reduction of child labor in Mererani Ward through awareness raising by 20% by the end of the year 2006.
This project covered four villages near the mining area. Its main goal was to have a community which cares the rights of children hence improving their living standard within the ward. The expected impact indicators were improved school enrolment which was poor, reduced incidences of child labor, and reduced school drop out which was 30 to 40 percent. However the study recommended among other things that in order to achieve national target of eliminating child labor through time bound programmes by the year 2010, MGHP should utilize effectively knowledge acquired by trained members to work towards this objectives. The expected output which was 430 children to be recruited was not yet met. It was only 184 out of that which is 42.79%. Reasons being the shorter life span of the project, however more outcomes were expected as stated in the sustainability plan of this project and the summative evaluation done at the end of this project. (Author abstract)